* Poor gal, no hot guys, a dinosaur, and lots of other hot babe. Im sure ur the hottest! And I miss on-ing my lappie and seeing you online*
Im so impulsive. U know how sometimes ppl suffer from post-purchase dissonance? I think I m having a little of post confession dissonance.
Shit.. I was rash, still am rash AND i dun think im gg to be un-rash (if there's such a word) anytime soon. I always thought i had a good head on my shoulders. Apparently sometimes it goes haywire a fair bit. *sighs* Wonder what was I thinking. Never in my wildest dream would I have decided to do smth so ridiculous. But all there is, is just post confession dissonance. No hate or anything of that sort. And I truly wished you would believe me with all ur heart. If there's one feeling I dun have in me, that must be hate. I dun believe in hating anyone at all. Coz I believe that there's a reason for everything that happens, and just because I duno the reason, doesnt mean its a bad thing.
Pool was good. So long as I dun get trashed, I think its good. HAHA..easily satisfied. Company was hilarious. Ask the one who kept *sighing* He looked like the gal bringing him off to sell. haha and all that farnie sub-titles reali tickled my funny bone. Bought a new top in dark navy blue. I hate blue. But i like dark navy blue. haha contradicting.
The new year's coming. On my balance sheet,
1) A buffet dinner to come
2) A present to give away because of a blardy stupid tic tac toe
3) Smth I promised a year ago....
4) Smth I bought for a gal but never got to sending it out.
Haha.. enuff on that... it reminds me of accounting...
It's gg to be an interesting week ahead. I ll make it an interesting one. Will share smth close to everyone's heart in the next post! Till then!