Sunday, October 15, 2006
Im feeling oddly restless and fidgidty for a Sunday. It's very hazy today. Last night as I was walking to the train station, I strolled along Orchard Road by myself under the hazy night sky. For a moment, I felt peaceful.

But of course, peacefulness always gets shattered. hahah It's almost like the true meanin of life.

I blog. I think alot. And of course, for many of you who know me, you would have known that I diary as well. I diary everyday. About the innermost feelings I feel which I may never tell anyone. About what I do, what I want to do.

On this boring Sunday, I decided to re-read all my entries.. beginning from Feburary. It seems that Im grappling with the same issues everyday now that I look at my entries closely. It seems that an aspect of my life is locked in that particular age where I simply cannot move on. Or rather DID NOT move on. It must be the case since everyday, I write a little about it.

Hmm current state of mood: confused and lost and duno where to start with everything. It seems my thoughts are a shimmery watery glob of mess in my brain. I think it reflects the state of my room and wardrobe. haha.. After knowing this, it must seem easy then. To sort out my thoughts. Just pack my room. But of course, there's the catch in this somewhere.

Me, being the sentimental chap I am, cannot bear to throw some stuff out. And more importantly, I cant muster enuff energy to get my butt off the chair to move around.

I want to sweat. Where you pant and you can feel ur heart go "thump, thump, thump" while you try and catch your breath knowing you ve put ur body through some exertion. The shimmery sheen of sweat on ur skin and damp hair. And for that short moment, adreline and endorphines rushes through you and you believe you can conquer all.

I think I shall go skip rope.
posted by Princess Flowerbloom at 4:17 PM |