I went to watch SCOOP today. Highly recommended. There's loads of witty conversations inside and Woody Allen is indeed very good. Very good indeed.
*WARNING: contains spoilers. Read beyond this line @ ur own risk*
The show is about the chance-meeting of a journalist wannabe student with a deceased famous reporter. Apparently after the famous reporter died and went on to the nether world, he met the secretary of this rich man (played by Hugh Jackman) who believed she was poisoned to death coz she was getting leads on the fact that the rich man may in fact be the "tarot card murderer".
Now, it would not do for a rich man to be implicated in such a scheme right. And I think I forgot to mention that the rich man, (oh btw, his name is peter lyman, from now on i shall refer to him as such) is actually quite a well known figure in politics as well.
I go on. This deceased reporter cannot give up such a good piece of tibit that at the end he die die must let someone know abt this, so he escaped from the netherworld and met Sandra( the wannabe reporter) to let her get the SCOOP on the story.
Woody Allen is Sandra's cute and wacky side kick.
To cut a long story short, Sandra met Peter. Peter met Sandra.
Sandra's purpose is to get the story right first before getting it published and so her aim was to get close to Peter lyman. But coz he's just so blardy handsome and all, she falls in love with him and in the end realise he is a lying, murderous jerk.
Ok, that kinda sums it all.
5 stars. And all for Woody allen's soo very very very *that's 3 verys* witty conversations! And Hugh Jackman's wonderfully broad shoulders and chiselled features. I swear there was a collective gasps when he appeared on screen.
He has such broad dependable-looking shoulders. Irresistable!