Sunday, November 05, 2006
A friend told me this,

"Life throws you many little pebbles until you get what its trying to tell you. And then if you r still stupid, it throws u a boulder. And then you will regret it. When you had the chance to get your act right, you din. Coz you ignored those pebbles. Now when the boulder comes, you get it. But it takes so much more to get your act together. "

So these days the phrase, "life throws you many little pebbles" keep ringing in my mind.

To you, good luck tml! I hope you will enjoy urself! 4 fat gals, 6 hot guys and one skinny pretty friendly gal. haha...

无话可说, 比争吵更折磨。 。 。 。 。 可是在同时,两人之间的舒服沉默是无可取代。 。 。


妈妈,我什么都没说, 可是你一眼就知道我心里是怎么想的。我知道你知道。
posted by Princess Flowerbloom at 6:00 AM |


At 2:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Haha, thanks! I hope good luck is mine too...Thoughts of seeing the sunrise from the mrt train is pretty disheartening though.:( As for the pebbles story, dun forget the pebbles keep getting bigger and bigger until finally they become the boulder. And if you still refuse to understand why the boulder came, sometimes life puts you on the tracks in front of an oncoming train. That would be really shit. So let's do our best to get the ideas that are raining down on us by the little pebbles.:D