Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Went KTV with the Dan, Lychee & Siwei... the first one I had with them in months.... hahah.. Im glad i changed my mind in the end. Everything was good, the soya chicken rice was good, the "kong ba pau" was good, (in case ur wondering when did KBox start serving baos... its compliments of lychee!), the songs were good and the company was good too.

I m not sure when it started. I think it was a year ago, almost I guess. I started listening carefully to song lyrics. I used to just hum along and sing. But nowadays I reali listen and think about it. That's why some songs I like so much more. .. it's all in the lyrics. Just like this season's 光良's new song. I think I understand what they write about now.

On that note, you know a lot of those chinese shows? They always show the leads saying things like, "it doesnt matter who the person chooses to be with... what matters is that the person is happy" When I was younger, I used to always laugh at it and say, how can anyone be so noble. I laughed at it for a few years more and then this year, I did it. The irony of it all.

These days I just want the person to be happy. Somethings I always keep in my heart. You know I ve a friend whose life motto is ' Say it if you feel it' Easier said than done. Such a brave gal. I think if I did that, a part of my life would be in chaos. haha. But I also understand that some things, once missed cannot be gotton back. That's how fragile everything is. In this less than a hundred years of life, being able to find someone who makes you feel a myraid of intensified feelings is ...well.. how should I put it.... it's just the way it is. Not too sure, how it's gg to be like in the future but now, knowing that the person is happy and all is enough. Coz sometimes one of the worst feelings in the world is the kind where you know the person you care about is in pain and hurt and yet you can do nothing about it. You can neither be near nor around. So, maybe I m not that noble afterall. I just want to spare myself that sort of feelings. It doesnt matter who the person is with
anymore, just be happy and safe and sound.
posted by Princess Flowerbloom at 9:58 PM |


At 12:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
hello! this is ur resident psychologist, Dr Loke! I'm here to gently remind you that you still owe me a huge amt of clinical consultation fees from last year Dec... kindly pay up, otherwise... *evil grinz*

At 6:49 AM, Blogger Princess Flowerbloom said........
hahha.. HI DR.LOKE!!! U reali can choose man.. choose to demand payment @ this particular post! hahha *evil grinz* Be nice! I ll give u a present! hehe