Wednesday, November 08, 2006
It's Mid week. Wednesday. As promised in my previous post, let's talk about smth close to heart. The F word. FATIGUE.

As defined in M-W,

Fatigue --> a: weariness or exhaustion from labor, exertion, or stress b : the temporary loss of power to respond that is induced in a sensory receptor or motor end organ by continued stimulation

That's not all. Apparently there are different kinds of fatigue.

1. Mental Fatigue

This can be caused by continual mental effort and attention on a particular task, as well as high levels of stress or emotion. Basically, any mental process that goes into overload can result in this disorder.

I think this is the most common during our exam periods. hahha.. mental fatigue AND mental anguish. hahaaa. Anyone still suffering from mental fatigue?

For this kinda fatigue, you just need to go and take a short break and make sure your body has enuff oxygen. So go breathe... breathee...

2. Chronic Fatigue (Psychological Fatigue)

This is a terrible fatigue to have. This is like a long term fatigue that doesnt go away even if you sleep. coz its psychological. This kinda fatigue can surface when you are stressed over a long period of time. Like if you're stressed at work for like 6 months or so. *hints hints*

Or you have smth on your mind. What's so special about this kinda fatigue is that it fluctuates and unlike physical fatigue, it is lessened by activity and tends not to interfere with duties and responsibilities. It works this way, the more things u have to do, the more occupied you are and then you wun think about some things and so it reduces ur psychological fatigue. This is so unlike physical fatigue where the more you do the worse the fatigue becomes.

For this kinda fatigue, you need a long break. Like a vacation or a trip. *memememe*

3. Muscle Fatigue (Physical Fatigue)

This happens when you have a lot to do and no break. Physical activties that is. Like if you have been carrying a lot of heavy loads and stuff like that. Or you just did a run and feel like dying after that. The best remedy for this? Rest rest rest.

That's all folks. All abt fatigue. Wish you all well. Battle fatigue. Whatever fatigue snydromes you have, pls avoid at all costs, chronic fatigue.
posted by Princess Flowerbloom at 6:55 PM |