Random Ramblings...
After such a long time, went back to granny's place. I miss my grandad. Everytime i think about him, i just remember the way he turned his head and told me those words. It's been a long time since i felt so fussed over as well. It makes me feel like a small girl again. In the arms of everyone.
All my life, i think i did what i did so that you would be proud of me. But how come sometimes i feel like you have just taken a huge bucket of water and poured it all over me? I know everything you do, you only want the best for me. But sometimes i cant help feeling that way.
10.18pm - Sunday. I miss you. You make me feel like i always need you around. haha Coz every single thing you do, i feel a little something inside me. I wish i din feel this way. But i do.
Realisation of the past week: Pool actually requires a certain amount of thinking. And a certain someone is indeed very good at it! *u know who u are!* haha Enlightened about the game by the intellectual bengs ard. *winkz*
Have always wanted to post this pic up. Guoxing's mum went to Japan and he brought the tennis khakis *us* this choco. Which tastes great. Everyone of us loves it right??? haha so I ve decided to post it up.

HONEY DEW flavoured kitkat
A few times, i was a step too late. I wanted to hand u smth, but someone else beat me to it!!!hahah how come? I also duno. I ve been thinking about it. But never mind. hahah. The irony of it. A coincidence then.
Yea and Im gg to view it soon! I hope its gg to be spectacular. Looking forward.
*dreamy n all~