Firstly, dear all dear friends, I cannot emphasize enough on the importance of getting ur kids educated. And I dun mean just in school. But REALLY being an educated person. The reason being so that they will grow up into balanced and reasonable adults who do not make a fuss about little minor things in public and flare up at some unsuspecting individuals and make snide remarks about others or do silly things in public and the list goes on and on. Yes, and here I would like to reiterate that it IS very important to get ur kids educated in future, for those who are intending to have kids, that is.
Secondly... hmm secondly.. haha hmm ok guess what, just realised that there's no secondly actually. My thoughts are apparently quite random!
The next thing that I thought about while holding on to a strawberry smoothie on the bus was this song which I heard. Ithink the chorus goes like that, "ur simply the best, better than all the rest!" Duno why I suddenly have a fascination with this line. Like you know, the obsession with BEST. Another one is Good enough is never Enough. They are like guiding principles. hahah Am I being a little to hard on myself? " )
Ahh and yes, I have been toying with this in my head the whole day. Halfway through the day, I suddenly decided that I would very much like it if someone writes me a song. Just listen to all the songs on radio, be it in English or Chinese! You know, like instead of writing me a letter, write me a song! Then you can sing it to me as well! So sweeet! I ll be damn thrilled I bet. Ahh yes, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea! Write me a song someone! haha
And here's a picture with a story to tell! OK, see, this pic shows me giving Ms elvina a whole box of cherry flavoured chewing gum! The interesting question is WHY? haha BECAUSE.. I brought an extra lock (u know, the kind to lock up the bags) to london and THEN i FORGOT the lock combination!! omy gawd! It's like.. ya oh god! hahah and I tried and tried and tried. EVen when we were walkin the streets of London I was trying till I got fed up and elv asked me to pass it to her. And as I was trudging the streets with a depressed feeling, she was quietly turning all the dials on my lock behind me! And you know what she did? She did the combination thing. She tried ALL the combination numbers starting from ONe and omy goodness! sHE broke the combi! How fantastic is that man! And coz the things in london so ex and i cant give her a treat, I surrendered my only box of cherry flavored gum.. ...
which 1 day later, she returned to me. Coz apparently she doesnt like cherries much. muahahah.