Sunday, May 14, 2006
Oh shucks woke up feeling great but and felt damn lousy and irritated when I saw a piece of info online. Cannot phantom it man. Ok thinking about it makes me feel even worse. It was reali an instanteous split change of feelings. Im not gg to let it ruin my Sunday. I shall go do simple things today like eat with my family, watch my anime and desperate housewives and then drive to school later. Actually, Ithink I feel a bit cheated. oh and
Happy Mommy's Day! *shes the best*
posted by Princess Flowerbloom at 11:30 AM |


At 12:19 AM, Blogger putt putt said........
cannot "phantom" it? I hope u mean "fathom" hhaa cuz it will realli spook me out .. boo .. haf fun on ur trip ya..wil miss u for the time being =)

At 6:41 AM, Blogger Princess Flowerbloom said........
oh shucks, i guessed in my lousy mood, my spellin went haywire as well. haha yaa will take pics and will miss ya too! " ) U have fun at work too ya and when im back you can tell me all abt it!