Ahh......wat do i wana do man... today feels like saturday!! I m waiting for monday to arrive. WHY??? *Its a secret!* I ll let you guys know soon! I need to go out. I FEEL like gg out today but it rained. It always rain on vesak day. Im on a high now coz i gt a whiff of this new fragrance by Ralph Lauren. Its a bit on the strong side but its a mix of sensual mocha cream, spicy cinnamon and LUSCIOUS maple.. yum yums. It smells delicious. Its now on my desire list. Here's how it looks like. I would have liked it more if the bottle looks more hmm upclass if u get what i mean. But well, the fragrance is good.

Just found out that the faded out craze of tamagochi is in yet again!! Feel like gettin one also.. hahha like so childish right.. BUt i used to keep them! I guess its a substitute for the pet loving me who cannot accept it when my pet dies. So i go electronic. This latest version 3 apparently has a challenge too! Which is to raise 5000 points through playing games with your pet in order to gain a password and visit the Tamagotchi King in TamaTown. *giggles.. try saying this aloud and it keeps sounding like tryin to say bad word lidat!! hahah*

AND i just stumbled on in this! Poh heng's new range of disney cuties! in 18K and 22K gold! I think its so simply adorable! At this point in time, I think I would prefer this to diamonds!