In the midst of all the bluess, here are some things which made me happi last week.
1) I met 2 fantastic ppl last Friday night for dinner. Although by then I was already coughing like nobody's business But i reali enjoyed the dory fish meal from TCC. No joke abt that. AND the company of course. One was fantastic with the stories and all and reali missed her company and the other was as usual late like duno what but was reali dressed for the occasion. haha
2) Gt a pair of heels from Charles and Keith that looks great for under $25 which is a great steal I think!
3) And weirdly as I was busy being pissed yesterday, someone made me realise how much he understood me. Just one word out from my mouth, actually without even hearing my voice and all, and he could always put a finger to it! Subconsciously I registered it but i was too overwhelmed with whatever terrible feelings I was having at that point in time. So to make my appreciation known, here's a thank you to you. It's always the little gestures that count. " )
And of course thanks to all u great ppl who have been askin abt this cough that I had. hahha It's the little gestures that count and urs count a great deal in allowin me to survive till the next weekend! *grinz*
Well sounds like u had a terrible week being sick and all. Cheer up! Friday's coming and soon will be weekend! :)))