Saturday, November 11, 2006
Got a pleasant shock today. I squealed, "Gasps!! reali ah!!!!!" Thanks ah for bringing the pool smell to me. The power of 2. I would reali like to think that you were here to see that im kicking and alive though. hhaaha. Much appreciated.

Gt an msn msg from an MIA guy also.. . .. BUT he's still MIA.. coz i wasnt ard to reply... MIA all the way lor.. well done.

3am: Got dragged to supper @ Chinatown. I din know it was so active during this kinda 鸟不生蛋time... it was sure crowded man. Had porridge and deep fried pig organs....!!!!They tasted surprisingly good! Good variety there man. One day bring u all there also. But of course must be at those 鸟不生蛋 time.hahah

5am: Feel like dying already. Nose starting to run. Watching those adverts received over from Andy. Wishing I can go home soon. Actually feel like flagging a cab soon. But u know what? Silly me onli have 5 bucks in my wallet.. sigh... so super.

Im so tired. I think I can just bathe and then collaspe on my bed. I ve never thought of it in a better light. And frankly, I dare not look at the mirror now. I think I look a wreck.
posted by Princess Flowerbloom at 5:30 AM |


At 3:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
eeyer, pig organs?!Principessa, I am shocked!

And Chinatown. Without me?! I thought you want to bring me go eat claypot rice there. CRY. Until now never bring me, so cheat my feelings can. CRY.