Last week was a whirlwind.. had soo many projects to do.. greatest relief that this one went smoothly, retail management..Was quite nervous on the day of the presentation itself and the weirdest thing was as i was gg to school, i sat the in car and then as i turned my head, i saw a bus that had on a HUge Marks n Spencer display.. (i was like.. wa a sign) then then imemdiately when i looked away, the radio started spouting a Marks n Spencer advert! *reali freaked my out then* n did i say i was reali reali reali glad this went ok? phew... hahah

Yeay to the presenting group! hahah

Party after the presentation! ALmond Biscuits from Marks n Spencer!

There's gingerbreadman too.. but the almond biscuits are the best man