Friday, November 24, 2006

This post is long over due. In order not to confuse things, I shall use the date which I was back. - 24th Nov.

I will start this post with IM HOME!!! Im always "Im home!!" these days.. coz im out of the country so much. This time. .. its on board my fav cruise liner. I love the stars and I love gazing out into the vast ocean with the sea breeze blowin in my face... pictures speak a thousand words... so let's let the pics speak for themselves.

Caught un-awares......

Yet another un-awares shot.. compliments of my bro....

My daddy made me go to the gym with him!!!! super shagged... look at all the dumbells at the side!

There were a lot of Indian visitors this time. It was a company trip for them. Thus the ship's chefs made sure there were Indian cuisine. AND i got to enjoy my "papdum" all the time!

And this is where I spent a lot of money on board.. the arcade... I think the games reali bring out ur violent streak man. .. . hmm. haha

And somewhere along the way, it rained....look at the wet wet floor...

After the rain.... a shower of brillant colors...

And sidetrack abit.... here's all that's left of my manicure by the time I was on the cruise liner....
posted by Princess Flowerbloom at 11:46 PM |