Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I'm Home!!! 4 days whizzed by in the blink of an eye. Waited so long with anticipation for it and now im back, with more clothes, more laugh lines and less money. haha Before everything fades away, I want to blog abt a few memorable moments in the trip for me.

1. Gg on a trip with the 3 dudes is in itself very memorable already. Elv's savy-ness *winkz*, Jamie's infectious laughter and dan's admirably ever cheerfulness. They were a joy to be with everyday. So wun get sick seeing them like 24hrs a day every day, hahaha...

2. On the second night, we managed to get on a cruise by the river.. compliments of Jamie's dad. *Thanks uncle* That was really good. We had good food, good view, great ambience and nice rose wine. It doesnt hurt that the music was fantastic too. Company was the best of course. It was a night of many coincidences. At least for me.

Firstly we wanted to sit in the open coz we wanted to get a better view of all the landmark places but we could not do so coz the whole cruise was fully booked. Thus we had to make do with an inside table. But who knows, it started pouring halfway. hahah and thus it fully proved the point, everything happens for a reason and just because you dun know the reason doesnt mean its a bad thing!

Secondly, they started playing "Never had a dream come true" by Sclub7 and "One in a million" from the Miss Congeniality soundtrack. And as I sat there looking out into the river... memories just kept flooding back.

And lastly, I had to hear "Let it be" playing live just as we were leaving the place.

3. Chatuchak market was sprawling huge. We would never be able to finish looking at every single store there and we went back twice!!!! The second time was Sunday evening and apparently the place closes at 5.30pm. which we did not know of course. So we were all surprised to see the shops closing. BUT the biggest surprise of all came when we heard the national anthem playing and EVERYONE.. from the handicapped uncle on the street to hawkers and all, standing ramrod straight and not talking. We decided to follow suit as it was "when in rome do as the romans do" And so for that few spilt seconds, I can just imagine the whole of bangkok, or at least Chatucak came to a standstill. You could even hear the flies whizzing abt. And then , as soon as the anthem was over, in just one spilt second, everything bussled back to live..... we were..... *jaws dropped* was the right expression.

4. The next incident which is imprinted in my memory also happened in Chatuchak. Dan was doing traffic control for us gals, coz we were in diff shops and then he stepped into a drain. Super shocked. Luckily there was no blood or anything. It was a shock cum unbelievable and a little guilty feeling all mixed together. hha.. Let me explain..

Shock coz he was standing behind me one moment and then the next moment he was standing in the drain, Unbelivable coz he's so cheerful all the time.. flitting abt like a butterfly, always keeping the spirits up.. guilty coz I was feeling a little down at that time and not helping in keepin the spirits up. hahha.. and why? *a little secret* Elv knows but i swear i ll tell u 2 real soon, dan and jamie

5. On our last night in Bkk, we decided to have a good dinner at this place called Vientinne Kitchen. To cut a long story short, the ambience there was fantastic, there were gals dancing, guys doing swordplay and the ambience was just super and the most memorable thing was the long talk we had at the table, with laughter and tears. I think for a moment i scared myself too. Amlost finished the tissue at the table. I dun think i ll ever forget that table talk. It like a level up, to understand a little more abt the events in each other's life.

6. Patpong *the red light district* made me feel like i was in amsterdam again. I was clinging on the jamie and elv and dan was on high alert mode even though he looked like he was gg to sleep anytime. He was like "mai mai mai" * "no" in thai*all the way to the guys at the side touting the sleazy shows.

7. AND this i MUST SAY... MUST MUST MUST SAY.... the traffic in bkk was as usual not great. There were sooo many cars and we dun even see pedestrain crossings much! AND there was this stupid taxi driver who besides knockin a lot of money out of us for a short distance, did not want to send us straight to our hotel steps! HE dropped us at the other side o fthe hotel and we had to jaywalk across 2 busy streets with cars that were practically moving non-stop!!! AND ME, who dun even jaywalk in singapore, was terrified. AND my friends there were so gungho can... the 4 of us were holding hands so that we could cross at the same time and they said cross in front of the BUS!! a bus!! I was frozen shock... couldnt move and the bus came nearer and nearer and at the last moment, elv half dragged me across the street. My heart was in my mouth man..... . . .. .. scary

I always feel that trips like that make us all into better person and enable us to understand each other more. haha It is now one of my rainbow in the year 2006. " ) Thanks for the great company!
posted by Princess Flowerbloom at 12:40 AM |