Thursday, November 16, 2006
Met with such IR-RESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOUR on my way to work that I simply had to blog abt it...

This morning as I was on my way to work, I witness the pea-brain workings of a driver on the roads. To get to my work place today, I had to pass by an ERP gantry. It was along an expressway and the cars' were whizzing by at speeds like 80-90km/h. And suddenly, I had to do an Emergency brake. I craned my neck to look at what happened. There was a string of stationary vehicles in my lane.

APPARENTLY, 1 stupid car just suddenly stopped in the middle of the roads! Why?!! COZ HE forgot to put in his cash card into the reader... so Irresponsible! Luckily all the cars behind could pull to a stop and there was no accident. Can you imagine if the cars behind could not stop in time?

It would be *bang-bang-bang* one after another after another.. a whole string of bangss....

There's a rule in Singapore that in a road accident, usually the car behind is at fault. But in some cases, its the cars in front. Just like this case.

Thus ALWAYS check the back before you brake dear drivers... even if the speed camera is up ahead, you forgot to put in your cashcard into the reader or you just want to slow down coz you are wondering which direction to take.... BEFORE YOU BRAKE, pls check your rear mirror and make sure its safe to do so...Dun engage in such irresponsible behaviour, you may just ruin someone else's whole life. .. ..

*a pissed-off principessa*
posted by Princess Flowerbloom at 12:00 PM |