Some pics I've taken over the week. Ha. know many of you think im depressed or smth. But im not. reali. I just have very pensive thoughts. I think about such things everyday, they just pop in. But hey, come look what I ve been up to everyday. After all, a picture says a thousand words. And a video, a million " ) - the latter is quoted from someone. haha No videos today though!

=> These are what keeps me going in between. COFFEE... Black Roast & Mocha. AND that choc kept me sane during one of the crazy hours. But its not fantastic. I like crunchie more.

Had dinner at the Selegie prata place few days ago.. (in clockwise direction) 1. My usual fare of "teh-o" or "tea without milk" 2. Tried alitle of the chapati there. not fantastic 3. AND the ayam meee goreng is totally value for money! The serving is HUUGE with lots of chunky chicken pieces.. 1 serving, good for 2! 4. AND my fav! it's called "papadum" it's just crackers but i like it with curry!

Was waiting in my collegue's car when I gt bored and spotted his son's toy. So cute! hahha So played around with it.

Love the companyover the weekend . Feel just alive basking in it. Look at the giraffess we are posing with.. Yishan says maybe they are made by some exploited african kids and then being used as decorations for such an expensive looking place. *faintz* *im sure she's kidding*

And look at this very cute picture! They are all mine to keep! haha.. see that little brown bear at the top? My heart melts just looking at it each time.
~* Ah.. everything has a story behind it. And that's why Everything is a Something*