Thursday, June 30, 2005
I just read a few of my friend's post and i reali admire the fact that some of their blogs are so open. There is a difference you know, in case you haven noticed, between sharing stories and sharing feelings.

Sometimes i think im a very private person.. i share stories, i share thoughts but what i can always never bring myself to do.. is to share my feelings. Why? Im not sure too.. Maybe i feel that nothing will change by sharing my feelings ...surface feelings like being happy, frustrated, pissed off.. that i can. BUt go deeper into my hopes, my inner most feelings about my friends, family and loved ones... i cant verbalise ani of those. For those rare few who ever had a glimspe in this area, oh how rare u are.

Sometimes i wonder and in fact for the past 3 days i ve been thinking of it. Is it just me or is everyone else like that? The obsession with perfection. Or am i becoming just a tad snobbish... maybe calling it an obsession is a kind of overstatment but is it wrong to indeed want the best? The choice to choose i call it. Why settle for anitihng less, i ask myself when you can have even more? Or maybe sometimes second best is the best?Is it true that the young like beautiful things? Everyone like beauiful things in fact.. but then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. but then what happens when the whole place is filled with beautiful things such that you find that the norm and you now are onli attracted to the most beautiful one of all..

Maybe im just young and being ridiculous but these days when i look at her i think whats with the tone, whats with the attitude and what with that look... everything doesnt look ok at all... and its seriously bad to keep smth like this bottled up coz now i cant even talk civily with her and i think she must be thinking im a super temperamental person which of course im not you see. It isnt totally her fault too you see.. but i think its a snowball effect.

My paragraphs dont link.. coz my thoughts are hopping from one thing to another and back again coz i find it hard to truly and sincerely write down all of what i seriously feel about the whole affair.
posted by Princess Flowerbloom at 11:46 PM |


At 2:00 AM, Blogger Jamie said........
Hey dear..I do feel tt it's ok to keep certain things private...everyone needs some personal spc. & the degree of tt depends on e individual lor. but its not too healthy to keep everything within u. you don't havta broadcast, but just telling 1 close pal...ONE will do...i'm sure there's more than one worthly person ard u whom u can open up to! ya? Sorry gal..havent had e time to chat with u guys recently. though i dunno whats troubling u @ e moment, just wanna tell u tt there's always some1 who cares for u out there! @ leasT! & i think its a virtue to aim for perfection...! nth's wrong with fact, its admirable! *hugs*

At 9:58 AM, Blogger danielng said........
Haha just like jamie says.. just tel one close pal will do..maybe ME!! lolx. we are pal for sure..and i have been facing u almost every single day since 2 years ago.. THUS we are considered close.. lolz..

Anywae.. toking abt unable to share ur feelings.. u r oredi sharing ur feelings.. good one ade.. a great first step to start with.. call me one nite.. and tel me ur sorrows if u have..i dun mind those joyious ones too lolz

At 8:27 AM, Blogger putt putt said........
-sam jumps onto bandwagon-
haa..personally if u noticed, i dun even SAY it out when i blog..i write in riddles..and it long i understand can it is okie..cuz it is UR choice. and it prob dun mean anythng if u say out ur true feelings..cuz they are urs and onli urs to know. UR choice! hugs hugs.

At 5:23 AM, Blogger Princess Flowerbloom said........
haha hi my 3 dears..

ha actually ive read ur posts long ago.. but once again im deriving comfort from your posts... Thanks my friends.

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Jamie said........
Ha..riddles. hmm. i think blogging still can't replace a personal diary. no matter wat..also can't be sooo open abt everything. its just another avenue to share your tots ba~