Sunday, January 01, 2006
I spent the first day of 2006 lazing in bed surrounded by fluffy pillows and my warm blanket armed with DAN BROWN's ANGELs and DEMONs. A very satisfying read i must say. I started the book last night at 11.30pm while nursing a dull throbbing ache and completed the intriguing story of around 6 hundred over pages tonight at 10.30pm sharp. Why i even bother to check the time today, i duno. ha Maybe its coz i have been doing nothing the whole day except go into the living room for a mere 10 min meal still grabbin on to the book. The onli time the book left my hands was when i needed to visit the washroom.

What I'm going to talk about now is not the story per say.. but my take on this habit of immersing myself in books. For that 8 or 9 hours in which you are immersed in the story, it takes your mind away.. away to that faraway place where exciting things happen and of course the main characters never ever die. Nice things always happen to them in the end. And so for that period of time, you forget about yourself. Now doesnt that sound strangely like escapism in the modern world? Unfortunately yes. But what isnt? Isnt watchin drama serials the same? In the last few years, with the hustle and bustle of all the things Imust do, Need to do, Want to do.. Ive neglected reading. But recently, its all starting to come back. Maybe its just an auto brain mechanism to want to fill itself with other things when under stress. Reading.. huge amounts of text calms me down.. to a certain extent. haha *ok that sounds a little weird now* Reading of course serves a higher purpose like educating the mind, enriching the soul but of course it brings you away too.On a naughty note, maybe thats why in chinese drama serials, you always have librarians being portrayed as someone with full fiery passions but being camouflaged with an outer cool veneer.

Maybe its all just a book cover.
posted by Princess Flowerbloom at 11:32 PM |


At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Yeah Angels and Demons is a very good read....took me 2/3 days...and I was fully immersed in it as well..couldn't put it down.