Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I saw him again. After close to 10 years. MOnday morning, i rushed into the FAL in school with my fringe pinned up in a most "heckcare" manner, arms full of books and notes and busily scanning the whole lab for an empty seat. As i scanned the room, my eyes met his. I looked at him and he looked at me and i looked at him somemore and then somemore. He smiled. and he gave a small wave. Hey hi i said,

My first crush. From primary school. The days where we speak earnestly and sincerely. We used to take the same school bus home. And he used to keep a seat for me. and another gal. haha. so lousy. still remember how he used to always make me laugh by making goldfish faces admist the chaos in the school bus. I used to look forward taking the school bus to and from school. Because he was there. He was a prefect and a scout. And i used to sing the national athem louder when he was pulling the flag. haha

Then PSLE came and went. And i went my way and he went his way. Sometimes i thought of him. and today , when im at my lowest and in my most unglam hair style, i just have to meet him. After all these years.

I ve changed and he's changed. To a certain extent, he's almost like a stranger now. I dont know about him at all. and he dun know about me. Of course the feelings are gone. Crushes come and go. This one lasted all through primary school..

Ahh.. just thinking about it makes me wana luff...
posted by Princess Flowerbloom at 12:46 AM |