Monday, May 09, 2005
Second day of work felt like first day. except there was more excitement walking ard with your whole platoon of ntu gang. heheeh.... Did super basic marketing stuff... no kick yet.. the action will sink in when my 2 supervisors come back!! oh pls come back quick!!!

Lunch was yet again a simple 2 bucks affair but all the more enjoyable with the NTU gang once again.. felt like i was in school. PPl i know all there!Oooo and there was plenty of excitment about ice-cream, shampoos and food and beverages! Forsee that if i walk to work everyday from the MRT station and then keep having $2 lunch, im gg to be one rich slim girl at the end of PA man... wahhaahha..

Missed the 530 pm transport yet again. strive to catch it one day. Overall, a nice day. I want more action more style and more more more! Give it to me!! yea and to the rest, keep an open mind AND open heart..

posted by Princess Flowerbloom at 10:22 PM |