a) he/she morphed into a swan and snagged that great looking other half
b) He/she snagged that ultra looking other half and BECAUSE he/she is so ultra great looking, your friend feels the need to turn into a swan
There you go. The 2 big questions. But of course, yea. i was very very happy for them.
And then there's TRUE love.
True love? Yea true love where looks dun matter. and ya they just happened to be BOTH great looking. Now, here's somthing interesting i read somewhere.
Ok. i can see you frowning and thinking thats nothing new! U've known it since primary school where you did experiments and seen how the north and south pole of the magnet sticks together. so , opposites attract! Then have you ever thought, so does this mean if one half of a couple is thin, the other will be not so thin?? *thinks* ok what about one will always be smarter than the other. of course right. 一山比一山高。soooo oopposite attracts. now the complicating thing is WHICH side of the oppositedo you wana be IF you do believe that opposite attracts. that is if you believe of course.. hahahaha.