Last Sunday, went to catch a play in NUS with my FYP mates!
(its an outing! haha) The play was titled
THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES. Well and yes, as the name suggests, its ALL about vaginas.. It's actually very interesting the way they put up the play. We call it dramatised reading but it was a very interactive play. Midway u get the cast stomping their way through the crowd and sitting down beside you, still thick in the midst of acting and then there were the occasional free pads given to the audience as well as yes, tampons. On a serious note, the play looks at issues like women violence, most of whom are being acted out on by their loved ones, e.g. husbands and bfs. And the play also looks at the issue of women being treated as comfort women during the time period of the Japanese war.. All proceeds from the play goes to UNIFEM as well as AWARE Admist all the laughter and jokes, lies the very serious message to all women: love urself love ur vaginas... hahah *well at least
that's what the play is all about!* I'm SERIOUS! no kiddin man...