It never fails to amaze me. This link. How should I start?
Each of us, unique and different individuals with our own thinking and logical processing. Isnt it amazing that we even say the same things at the same times sometimes? Maybe let's attribute it down to pure coincidence. Maybe once, twice and even thrice.
Sometimes it scares me that my precious needs to go into ICU when urs enter as well. I laughed it off the first time it happend, the second time it happened, I sat up and took notice and then when it ALWAYS happen, it reali scares me a little. Well but looking on the bright side, it
does acts as a warning tool sometimes. hahaha..
I think about it and i ve decided to call it the
METAPHYSICAL LINK. and what's that you ask? Here an example, as researched from the much used
Sally is in the room, and we say Sally has a mind, we are surely going to say that Sally's mind is a different sort of thing from the apple (if it is a sort of thing at all). I might say that my mind is immaterial, but the apple is a material object, (although there is much disagreement amongst philosophers about the metaphysical status of minds). Moreover, it sounds a little strange to say that Sally's mind is located in any particular place; maybe we could say it is somewhere in the room; but the apple is obviously located in a particular place, namely on the middle of the table. It seems clear that minds are fundamentally different from physical bodies. But if so, how can something mental, like a decision to eat, cause a physical event to occur, like biting down on the apple? How are the mind and body causally interconnected if they are two totally different sorts of things? This is called the mind-body problem, which is now typically relegated to a philosophical subdiscipline called philosophy of mind. The mind-body problem is sometimes still considered part of metaphysics, however, perhaps the most profound problem belonging to this branch is the question of consciousness. No discipline has been able to explain what consciousness is or how it works.Understand? I think I do. Take for example, you are thinking about calling a person. But how is it possible that in thinking of having that person call you, you can reali MAKE the person call you. Sometimes you think about the person and your phone rings.. and then u go wow.. now isnt that metaphysical? I think I reali got scared last night. For that slight second, the wind in the room seemed stronger and it became colder and my heart beat faster and i got a tad nervous.
Ok, maybe more than a tad. and my fingers got cold. hahah sounds super exaggerated. But yes, that was all that happened. I cannot for the umpteen time understand why i even asked that question. As I closed my eyes to go to bed, I kept asking myself
why why why? And the answer I had was, a
ll because I felt like it.
It was almost like an angel came by and whispered smth.. or maybe the air molecules vibrated the message across to me and thats why I asked what I asked. And then as I was contemplating about it, the water molecules in my shower further convinced me to ask. hahah or maybe or maybe. . .
Or maybeIts just
metaphysical. . .