Tuesday, July 08, 2008
My colleague shared this article from "New Straits Times" Tuesday June 24 2008 and I thought it was a very meaningful article so I would like to share it here as well.

The power to "pack up" is the ability to stop wasteful thinking. Simply control our mind which comprises the thinking faculty, the intellect (the judging faculty) and our memory (the recording faculty).

We should encourage our mind to take a break. Shut down the production line for a while and make quietness a luxury. When our intellect asks us why it should be quiet, still and patient, tell it that the understanding it seeks only comes when it listens and observes, not when it questions and searches. Invite it to relax and just observe what is going on.

As for the memory, when our old negative tendencies trigger fear, hatred or other negative emotions, we can lovingly change them to be positive. The effect of these positive vibrations not only goes to the world outside but makes an impact on each and every cell in the body. There will be a positive response.

I have to help myself and give some time to myself to remain silent. If there is physical illness, everyone will fuss, sympathise with me and take me to the doctors. (not that this is better than any mental illnesses) But with mental illness, no one comes to my aid. So meditation becomes essential. Doing it on a regular basis, I develop a calm nature. A mind which is congested with impressions is given space to sort itself out.

- by Bridget Menezes, author of Self-Empowerment.


posted by Princess Flowerbloom at 7:11 PM |