Once upon a time, kate saw this book she really liked. She saw it in the library and so she borrowed it back for a read. What happened was as she read more and more, she started to REALLY like the book a lot. However as it was library property, she had to return it, as much as she doesnt like it. This gave her loads of heartache and pain, and so she thought, next time, if i really like something, I should always buy it and own it.
So a few years passed, and one fine day, Kate once again saw a book she really liked. This time fortunately, she saw this book in a bookstore, so she could purchase it and have it belong to her exclusively. She was delighted and spent many an hour with the book for company. It was perfect, until one day as she read more and more, she realised she did not understand the story...the story as she had known at first seemed to have changed and now she doesnt understand the story anymore....kate was upset...What next, she thought?
After many sleepless nights over this, she decided that since she has already bought the book, she has the responsibility to at least give it her best shot to try and understand the story. So at least if anything happens, she knows that she has tried her very best and that there will no regrets. And then the book should go to someone else.....